Wednesday, December 24, 2008

16" of SNOW!!!

Our Arizona Snowman!
Jaron loves the snow, just doesn't like being cold.
Isaak taking Jaron for a sled ride ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

My kids, Jaron, Zerek, Miranda and Isaak
We were stuck in the house for 5 days straight, a few hours
with no power, but we survived...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Tree Cutting 2008

As you can see our annual cutting down of the Christmas Tree can get a little stressful.
Miranda and Jaron
Jaron shivered the whole time.

Isaak wanted to be the tree.
What great imaginations!!!

My kids. They complained the whole time,
but as you can see from the pictures they had a great time.
We've been going to this place for 4 or 5 years.
It's on the backroads on the way to Deron's work.
I always wanted to own a Christmas Tree Farm.
They serve hot cider and cookies.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Photo 2008

Our annual Christmas photo taken by Uncle Judd on Thanksgiving. Miranda leaves for BYU Idaho in 5 weeks to start winter semester. Isaak is 16 and just started working at McDonalds, Zerek is 13 and plays the drums and Jaron is 10 and very sweet most of the time!!

Thanksgiving 2008

Zerek, Isaak, Jaron and Miranda.
Riding in the car Thanksgiving day. We were going to the family gathering in Bellevue.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Miranda's worked at McDonalds for the last 2 years. It's paid for countless band trips and will pay for college. (BYU Idaho) Isaak started working in October on the grill. (the only thing Miranda doesn't know how to do) The manager has promised Zerek a job as soon as he turns 16.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Family Wedding

Our cousin James got married the end of August and it was wonderful!!! Jaron was such a good kid. My older kids waited in the car with our cousins (Alyssa and Alex) outside the temple for an hour. They walked around and watched pixar movies. This picture I absolutely love of him sitting with the boy and girl statue.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

4th of July 2008

Isaak 15, Mom, Dad
Zerek 13, Miranda 18, and Jaron 10
4th of July at Aunt Berta and Uncle Judd's house with James & Candace !

Monday, September 8, 2008

Isaak's Eagle Project Pictures Autism Kits

Isaak's Eagle Project Autism Kits for School District

Isaak completed his eagle scout project just before school got out this year (2008). He made kits for all the autistic kids in our school district to help maintain the skills they learned over the school year. He made ten beginning kits and ten intermediate kits. They were awesome! I was happy to get one. They contained all kinds of stuff, but mainly for discrete trial teaching method. The ward and community really came through with donations. Thank you to everyone who donated items or their time we are grateful.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Compression Shirt

Jaron is ten years old now and we've had our ups and downs with aggression. He gets really frustrated at times because he's non verbal and can't always tell us what he wants. He also has many sensory issues and times seems as if he can't stand being in his own skin. The natural compression of the lycra shirt has been a life saver. My brother gave us one as a gift a few years ago and thats all he wears now. The company is American Wave or they sell them on ebay.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Autism Jaron

Jaron was diagnosed with autism when he was 3. This picture was taken at 18 months just before he slipped away. Autis m strikes 1 in 150 kids.